Hi Friends,
Welcome to the first Palette Naturals® Indie to Industry© Insider.
A little newsy, a little nerdy! And a just this once, a bit longer than usual, I promise.
Recently, I read this quote:
“Being an entrepreneur is like jumping out of an airplane and figuring out the parachute on the way down”
To whomever wrote this, I salute you!
I know many of you can relate.
Last October, after 15 months in development and with unbridled excitement, we launched Palette Naturals®: a collection of 100% natural perfumery blending accords dedicated to the development of all-natural scent formulations in health & beauty, personal care, hair care, fine fragrance and home care products.
We began what is now known as the #ingredientstransparencyrevolution!
For the nerdy among us, this is why we are unique in the industry right now:
ISO9235 compliant to the definition of aromatic natural raw materials
No Minimums
Transparent Ingredients Lists
In case you missed it, here’s that last one again: Transparent Ingredient Lists.
Within the fragrance industry, this is a bit earthshaking. Traditionally, the ingredient list is the realm of intellectual property. But the world has changed. We are fully transparent so our clients can be transparent. And truth be told, the earth hasn't stopped turning. In fact, we’ve been met with such enthusiasm, the Palette Naturals® sample kit is now in 8 countries.
We’ve just returned from our second tradeshow: The Society of Cosmetic Chemists Suppliers Day Show at the Javits Center in New York City. I can safely say we are “on a roll”, and have at least figured out how to open the canopy (of that parachute!).
Future newsletters will be ‘frequent enough’ to not bother you…. and always educational, highlighting a topic of creative or technical interest. We invite all of you formulators, chemists, contract fillers & private label manufacturers, beauty entrepreneurs, artists, scent enthusiasts and of course, perfumers to join us in championing the ingredients transparency revolution.

With much love for what we do,
Founder/Creative Director
Palette Naturals, 40notes. LLC.