Happy Spring, Friends!
April Showers Bring May Flowers.
After an epic sunny, Pacific Northwest birthday weekend, (yes, mine!), right on-cue we are forecast for days of rain starting this first week of April!
Early in March, I experienced firsthand the welcome effects of long-overdue drenching rain in southern California, when I visited the #PoppySuperBloom. Aladdin’s orange carpet was parked, and poppies were blooming along every hillside. Peek the video on my Instagram @miriamvareldzis.
It’s been a transformative winter season over here at Palette Naturals & 40notes since our last newsletter. Grab you calendar, coffee and a pen. This is a newsy update.
We said goodbye to the lovely studio space that held us and so many clients & friends these last three years. Simply a matter of landlords, leases and real estate… so we packed and evolved. Life is now a happy balance of creative studio at-home plus inventory warehouse close-by. As with Spring, new beginnings.
Now that the move is complete, classes, consulting and custom work can begin!
The signature class series “A Journey through the Genealogy of Scent” continues in 2019. This class is an in-depth scent training: an olfactive deep dive into fragrance families highlighting all-natural materials. Be prepared to smell! New for 2019 is the option to include the Palette Naturals sample kit in your class fee.
Our next class is Saturday April 27th here in Portland.
Class description, details, and sign-up here on our website.
Next up: I am thrilled to share a new series I have been dreaming about for a few years now!
This summer, join me for a gorgeous exploration of the Queen of Florals in my new series: “A Constellation of Roses”.
This class is a rare treat. We will smell and experience Rose extracts from around the world, both essential oils and absolutes, from Turkey, Bulgaria and beyond. Also covered: a bit on extraction methods, yield (why Rose is so expensive), character, nuance and the physiological effects these exquisite oils have on our body.
If you are interested in attending, sign up for the wait list here.
First class to be in July, date TBD.
Depending on response, we will add additional dates.
For my Perfumer and Beauty Entrepreneur friends…
I have been asked and now offer Olfactive odor evaluations for your scent projects.
Briefly, these are in-use (on skin) top note, heart and dry down evaluations for longevity, hedonics and character of finished scents, blends in development or new concepts. Email me for details.
I continue to offer a 1-hour complimentary scent training via Skype with the Palette Naturals accords to formulators or teams who purchase the sample kit and need a bit of olfactive training for their product lines. Anywhere in the world…we’re in 8 countries, by the way.
Early March took me to the enormous tradeshow Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim (over 80,000 people); the monthly BIW (Beauty Industry West) event in LA; the book signing of legendary Annette Green’s new book “Spritzing to Success” and to visits with colleagues and labs excited to smell 100% natural materials. I dubbed it my “Smell the Truth Tour”!
At only 18-months old, Palette Naturals is showing the world (or at least the west coast) that natural perfumery and the #ingredientstransparencyrevolution is a THING!
Like I said, it’s a newsy update. Thank you for hanging in.
Let me know if you have a question or request.

With much love for what we do,
Founder/Creative Director
Palette Naturals, 40notes. LLC.